I haven't blogged in so long... But I really do have good reasons! Homeschooling a 13-year old who would rather not right now (can't blame her!), a two-year old boy that loves to learn about his world in a physical way, an almost four-year old little girl who wants to know what happens to everything and why, a house that doesn't clean itself, laundry that multiplies all by itself, shopping lists, groceries, and meal planning and preparation... the list goes on and on. Oh, and did I mention my newborn twin sons, and the sleepless nights that come with them?
I guess they aren't exactly newborns anymore; they just passed their one month "birthday". They are so sweet and adorable and cuddly... until sometime in the middle of the night. I am not entirely sure when it happens, but all of the sudden my angels don't seem to be as cute as I remember from just a few short hours earlier.
I have never experienced sheer exhaustion until the last few weeks. Fortunately, it is not daily. Some nights are much better than other nights. But I can definitely tell when I am running on a large sleep deficit - my brain just doesn't work. I can't think clearly and I have "tired voice" all day. I have started to keep a "While I Am Thinking About It" notebook. I try to write down everything down so I don't forget.
Yesterday was the worst case of forgetfulness yet. We went to the library a few days ago, and the librarian told the kids about a bug party they were having to kick off their summer reading program. The kids could wear bug costumes, there would be face painting, bug crafts, special guests bringing exotic bugs for the kids to see, and a popular storyteller telling, yep, bug stories.
Kynzie loves bugs, or at least most of them most of the time. She loves to play in the garden, and any dirt patch is a garden to her. She likes to find bugs in her gardens. She loves to learn about bugs. We have a great 3-D book about bees and another one about ants. I would like to have more of those for her. But I digress. My point here is that she was sooooo super excited about that party.
And guess what Mommy forgot. It is still that saddest thing. She prayed two or three times that Jesus would talk to the library and ask them to have another bug party. I am so upset that I forgot.
So, we are going to try to recreate the bug party at home, minus the exotic bugs.
In other news, Max turned two! I will try to load some pics of him in a bit. We didn't have a party. I originally planned to have a double party for Max and Kynzie later in June. But I don't think that is going to happen either. There is so much going on and the idea of a clean house is very enticing but a little overwhelming at this point. We are doing pretty good keeping the living room mostly clean. That's about it.
Also, more than a few people at a time at our house wouldn't fit comfortably pre-twins; post-twins we need a whole room for all the baby equipment! I had good intentions, but I just don't think a big party is going to happen this year.
hooray, a blog entry