(Formatting from Word didn't copy over to here.
Apparently, our birth plan was a little controversial among some of the hospital administration and staff, but God worked it out that all the nurses working with us loved, or at least liked, our birth plan! We had so many people tell us what a blessing it was to be at our birth.
Just as a side note, we did have this birth for these babies, and it was awesome! To God be glory and honor and praise! He is faithful and loving.
And, by the way, my husband, Scott wrote this birth plan originally! Yeah, Scott!
I know that to some, natural birth and hospital don't go together in the same sentence, but it will serve a purpose for some.)
Twin Birth Plan
Name: Scott & Tonya
Midwife or OB: Dr. Tami
Pediatrician: Dr. Douglas
Professional Labor Assistant: Amber
Birth Center or Hospital: Medical Center
Approximate Due Date: 05/08/2008
We are very excited for the birth of our twins. As a couple, we have been educating ourselves on the advantages and techniques of natural child birth. Our goal in doing this is to have a delivery outcome whereby the mother and children are healthy and able to begin their journey together immediately. As a pregnant mother, I (Tonya) have not taken this responsibility lightly. Not only have I read and taken instruction in natural childbirth, I have been preparing my body for what is rightly called “labor”. I have maintained a healthy and well balanced diet full of protein and other essential vitamins and minerals. I have done cardio exercises, as well as practicing various positions. I realize that in order to have a natural child birth, neither I nor my husband can be passive participants.
Our decision to have a natural child birth has led us to the practice of Tammy, D.O. and to Medical Center, a hospital with a good reputation for supporting natural childbirth. We understand that the birth of twins may have a higher risk of complications and again affirm our #1 desire is to have a healthy mother and healthy children. To help you understand our view of what natural childbirth means to us, we have listed below some procedures for mother and children that we believe can affect the outcome of our birth. Please note that in the event of an emergency, our choices may change.
Requests in the event of normal birth
1) To have my husband, Scott, present throughout the labor, birth, and the immediate postpartum period.
2) To have my birth attendant with me throughout the birth.
3) To allow my oldest daughter, Delainey, and my mother, Kathy, to witness the birth
4) To have no routine prep, including shaving and enema
5) To have limited vaginal exams, preferably at my request
6) To have lights dimmed, temperature warm, quiet voices and limited personnel
7) To have no sedatives, tranquilizers, pain medication, or anesthesia
8) To have no routine stimulants to start or speed up labor
9) To have no routine rupture of membranes
10) To have no routine IV; I realize there may be a need to secure an IV site due to a twin pregnancy
11) To have minimal electronic fetal monitoring
12) To bring and use during labor: music to play, olive oil to make compresses to relax perineum, other aids to relieve back pain, my own clothing, and other helps as needed.
13) To be free to walk around during labor – no routine confinement to bed and/or labor room
14) To have access to a birth ball and squatting bar
15) To have the option to modify delivery positions such as side, hands and knees, squatting, or whatever position feels best at the time.
16) To avoid a routine episiotomy
17) To delay cutting of the cords to allow the babies to obtain the maximum blood before cord stops pulsating
18) I would like to nurse each baby as soon as possible.
19) To try turning techniques, if needed, before birth of second baby
20) To allow adequate time for delivery of the placenta – no routine pitocin stimulant or manual removal
21) To have as early a discharge for the three of us as possible, barring complications, as I feel I will be able to rest better at home.
22) If the body temperature of either baby is of concern, the baby(ies) should be placed skin-to-skin with me and a warmed blanket will be spread over us. At no time will the babies be separated from me, or Scott, and placed in a warmer.
23) At no time should our babies be separated from us. All newborn care should be done in the same room with us.
24) We prefer that no eye drops or ointment be used in my babies' eyes.
25) Our babies should not be given any substance by mouth other than my breastmilk or colostrum. At no time should sterile water, glucose water, or formula of any kind be given. The babies will be allowed to nurse on demand, and no rubber nipples or pacifiers should be introduced.
26) We do not wish to have the babies’ blood glucose tested. If their blood sugar level is of concern, more frequent nursing will be encouraged, since maternal colostrum provides a healthier and more stable blood sugar level than processed glucose.
27) No soaps or disinfecting agents will be used to wash the babies, and vernix on their skin will be massaged into the skin rather than removed through washing. We will be responsible for the bathing of our babies.
28) Absolutely no procedure will be performed on our babies without our authorization, and either my husband or myself will be present for any procedure that is performed.
29) We do not wish to have the Vitamin K shot administered. There will be no circumcisions.
30) We do not wish for the PKU test, hearing test or infant immunizations to be administered in the hospital. It will be our responsibility to see that these tests are performed by a pediatrician at a later time.
We realize that this list is extensive, but please view it positively. This is Tonya’s 4th birth and we have become more informed with each succeeding child. We trust in the care that you can offer which is why we have chosen your hospital. We look forward to this experience and this partnership with the very special people on your staff. Thank you.