I expressed how I was a little apprehensive about toting all four littles with me (even with Delainey's help) to the doctor in a previous post. My sister-in-law called me and offered to watch Kynzie & Max which helped bunches. (Thank you!) Long story short: We went to the appointment Wednesday and found out it was really on Thursday, and since he is a really popular doctor, he was already double-booked on Wednesday. So, we had to go back today. My gracious sister-in-law just laughed at my silly situation, (in a sort of feel sorry for you kind of way, I think) and offered to watch the kids again today!
So, anyway, Dennis weighs 12 lbs, 11 oz and Daniel weighs 12 lbs. They both measure 23.25" in length. Everything else is fine. The Dr. said they don't worry about crossed eyes or lazy eyes until around 4 months, they don't really worry about navel hernias until around 4 years of age, and he didn't think Daniel's desire to be crooked all the time should be worrysome just yet.
Since I am exclusively breastfeeding at this point, I have been a little paranoid about making sure they are each receiving enough nourishment. I think today's appointment took that concern down one more level.
We skipped the shots today, so we all left mostly happy. It did seem that the Dr. broke Dennis' heart when he had to turn his little head away from Mommy. So there were some residual tears and cries there.
I tried to take some cute pictures of the babies last night, but it didn't go so well. Here is one of my favorites though... Daniel is smiling and Dennis is done.
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