My cousin's wife (cousin-in-law?) has chronicled their son's life week by week on her blog. I was so impressed when I visited recently that I decided to give it a try with the twins. Of course, I am a few days late, but if I don't do it now, it may never happen!
Saturday was their 38th week. They were born at 38 weeks, and now they are 38 weeks old. That translates to almost 9 months. I will try to tell you a little about what is going on with the twins.
Let's see, Daniel (Baby B) was the first to sit up and first to crawl (at just before 7 months). Dennis (Baby A) was the first to clap his hands and get teeth. Dennis has both bottom teeth and the top two mostly in. Daniel has only the bottom two so far. Daniel is pulling himself up to standing all the time and tries to take steps. He doesn't always wait till he has something to hold on to when taking the next step either. Dennis has just in the last few days figured out how to sit up from a tummy position and yesterday started the "army crawl". He seems incredibly determined to 'catch up' all of the sudden.
They both are champion eaters. Neither care much for peas or carrots plain, but will even tolerate those foods if they must. I haven't tried spinach yet, but they have eaten nearly everything else we have given them - home made and store bought. Both are doing fairly well trying to drink with sippy cups. I think I may get the kind with straws. They enjoy their water so much.
They are so much fun. I love to watch their similarities and their differences. I LOVE having two babies at the same time. We find it very interesting how much Dennis is like Kynzie and Daniel has similarities to Max. Maybe I will post about that ... someday.
They both love to be tickled, to laugh and to smile. Dennis loves to look at your face and touch your nose, lips, eyse, cheeks, etc. but prefers to face outward if you are holding him (same as Kynzie). He likes to see where he is going, I guess. He doesn't want to miss out. Daniel will cuddle when you hold him and lay his head on your shoulder (same as Max). He will just relax and trust you to take him where he needs to go. Unless he can get there himself, then he prefers that mode.
Dennis has a little bit more stranger anxiety than Daniel at this point. Dennis knows faces. And if yours isn't one he "knows", he has to warm up to you a bit. Daniel doesn't mind other people and may not even notice who you are for awhile if he is busy playing. And he is busy playing often, but don't be deceived by his contented playtime. He needs his cuddle time, too. Dennis seems to need more interactive play but not necessarily as much cuddle time. (He gets as much cuddle time as he will allow us all to give him, though!)
I think that is one reason why Kynzie gets along so well with Dennis at this stage... she needed (and still does) more one on one play and interaction. Max can play by himself or look at books or whatever for long periods of time. But he too needs to have cuddle time. He still seeks out a good cuddle from time to time throughout the day. Max enjoys playing side by side with Daniel.
So, Kynzie and Dennis maybe get their love tanks filled with quality time. We used to say Kynzie would spell love T-I-M-E. And, maybe Max and Daniel's tanks are filled with physical contact. (You know, from the Five Love Languages. What's yours? My highest are quality time and receiving gifts. Scott's are acts of service and physical contact. We are so opposite.)
Okay, anyway, this was supposed to be an update on the twins. It is late and I am rambling. I will try to get the picture of the twins from Saturday up tomorrow. I waited up a bit late because I thought the babies would wake to nurse pretty early tonight since their last nursing was earlier than usual. But they didn't. I need to go get some water, some vitamin C, some garlic, and some rest so I can fight off this sudden and strange beginning of mastitis... 'Night.
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