Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Over the Weekend

Let's see, what happened over the weekend? Friday, after our last homeschool coop for this session, my mom came over and helped with some domestic stuff. Stuff I think only your mother can help you with. She helped me sort the little kids' seasonal clothes and such. Then she helped me organize their closet. I say she helped me, but that's not really an accurate statement. I mostly laid on Kynzie's bed while she did the work. Thanks, Mom!

Oh, then she also left dinner for us. That was the icing on the cake, very good. We have really appreciated all the meals friends and family have provided.

Saturday morning Kynzie had swim lessons. Scott took some cute pictures of her, I'll try to load them later. Saturday was another difficult day for me. Scott waited to work out till we put the little guys down for nap. He took D with him so she could swim. And I slept.

In the evening we went to Scott's brother and sister-in-law's house for a family get-together in honor of a family friend from across the pond. Schaun out-did himself again. In my current state, I have a hard time with some meat, but it all smelled wonderful. That is saying something if I think it smelled wonderful in my condition. I did had one of the hamburgers plain, and it was the best hamburger I think I have ever had. Scott really enjoyed everything he ate, especially the slab of ribs, he said.

It was nice to see everyone and talk with everyone.

Sunday we went to church. I ended up staying in the nursery with Max so I could eat and kind of lay on the (carpeted) floor if I needed to... It was good to talk to the other ladies in there; one of which has a set of twins. She said they are turning 21 this week. She has 12 children total, so she is always a good source of advice and helpful information.

A family from our life group sent a meal home with us, and then later another family brought a meal to us! Our church home school group went out to eat and then to Louisburg Cider Mill after church, but we didn't go. I just didn't feel up to it, and I think the kids were cranky from being up late the night before.

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