Saturday, October 27, 2007

Ramblings of Pregnancy (with twins!)

I decided to blog about being pregnant with twins, kind of like a journal.

We are so very excited to be blessed with twins. I am 11 weeks and 4 days along right now. We found out we were having twins through a sonogram with my OB at 9 weeks, 3 days. It was awesome to see both babies on the screen at the same time and watch their two tiny hearts beating!

Pregnancy is different this time around. I am feeling sick more often and more severely than my other pregnancies. I believe I am going to turn the corner soon, though. I have been researching all possible natural remedies I can, and I think a few of them might be helping.

It has been a wonderful experience telling people about our twins. Friends' and family's reactions have been positive and encouraging which has helped tremendously.

We are considering joining the local parents of twins club (I don't know the name of it right now). That's something I never thought I would need to research.

We are also planning to attend a more intense, more thorough childbirth class. We went to one when we were expecting Kynzie. I was the only woman out of the 15 that raised a hand when the instructor asked if there was anyone who DID NOT want to have an epidural during the labor process. So, our instructor didn't spend any time on how to cope with or manage pain. Nor did she explain how to work with your body's natural processes during delivery. I was very disappointed.

I did end up having an epidural with Kynzie, but no outside pain relief with Max. That is the way I want to go again. My doctor thinks I am going to regret it, but in the end, there were many blessings to not having the drugs in my body during that birth.

Now, since I am considered "advanced maternal age" at almost 35 for this pregnancy, my doctor wants to refer me for genetic counseling as well as do all kinds of testing for downs possibilities and other birth abnormalities. Scott and I have not yet decided about which testing, if any, we want done. And I am not even sure what genetic counseling is or the purpose of it. The babies are what they are already. Their DNA was written the moment sperm met egg. So what genetics are they going to counsel?

I think I will end this one for now. I think I would like to go back and detail some of the events of the past few weeks, but we'll see if I get to that. I don't always feel well enough to sit at the computer, or read, or type, or even sit sometimes. Oh, plus I have to eat every hour and a half! I don't always want to eat, and I don't really enjoy too many foods right now. Sometimes it seems like such a chore to go figure out what to eat now. I didn't think I would ever have to deal with that problem either.

1 comment:

  1. congrats on the twins! being a twin myself i can tell you it is awesome!
