It has been quite awhile since I last posted. I guess we've been busy...
Not much new going on here. I haven't taken many, if any, new pictures.
Max enjoys his jammies. He would rather wear them all day if I would let him. I am not sure why. He loves that his jammies zip. And some nights, when it is time to put jammies on, he gets so excited. He also likes to walk around the house with a cloth on his head like a hat. He calls it "duck, duck, goose" and pats his head and laughs. (His cloth is like his security blanket.)
Kynzie still calls the treadmill "treasure mill". It is really cute. That is the way she first started to say it when she was old enough to know that Daddy ran on the treasure mill every day. We have told her the actual name, and she can pronounce it, but she seems to prefer her name for it.
I am doing pretty well. I am still working hard at the healthy, well-balanced diet (mostly still sticking to the Brewer Diet) and getting in adequate exercise. And, I am still working my way through the house using 'The House That Cleans Itself' method. I love this book by the way. I started a post about this book and hope to go back and finish it later. But let me just say that this is by far the best decluttering/housecleaning book I have read... and I have read many, many, many. I even removed myself from FlyLady's mailing list!
Delainey injured, mildly, her ankle and it is nice and swollen now as well as a little purple. I don't think it's anything to be too concerned about, but it is enough to get her out of running for a day or two!
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