Saturday, February 02, 2008

Getting closer to baby time!

I only have 14 weeks left in this pregnancy (till my "due date")! It seems like you have all the time in the world to get ready for a new baby, or two new babies. I mean, nine months is a long time. But last night when I realized 14 weeks, give or take, is all I have, I first became very excited, then I almost panicked thinking about what still needs to be done!

I know 14 weeks is still a long time to be big and pregnant and uncomfortable. I have been enjoying this pregnancy, though. I have enjoyed every little kick and twist and turn. I have taken great pleasure in knowing that I have the privilege of caring for two little babies at the same time in my womb. I have been able to pray special prayers and blessings for them that are just a little different than what I prayed for my singletons. And I have really been blessed by all I have been learning and changing in my life during this pregnancy.

Anyway, we are not anxious about the babies coming whenever they do. God will provide for our needs as he always does. We have wonderful family and friends around us to support us in prayer and in practicality, both of which we appreciate immensely. I can't wait to meet these two new family members God has chosen for us!

1 comment:

  1. wow! i never thought about two babies kicking and squirming in there!
    im glad you are enjoying this pregnancy! it will be over before you know it!
