I haven't felt much like blogging, or being at the computer at all, really. But I am going to add some random thoughts here.
Kynzie is still very adamant that our twins will be named Cupcake and Muffin. She's come a long way from Moses and Charlie Brown. When we pray for the twins she will tell us to "say Cupcake and Muffin". We have tried to explain she is welcome to use those nicknames, but that the rest of us will probably call them Dennis and Daniel. She is not happy about at all.
Kynzie is very excited about the twins coming, though. She says it all the time. She even gets a little giddy. It is so cute and sweet. Her genuine care for others, and her uninhibited joy are such a blessing to us all. (She also says she wants to learn how to change their dirty diapers!)
Max knows "where" the babies are, and we teach him to pray for Dennis and Daniel, but I am not sure he puts it all together just yet. Not that he needs to. He is so sweet and cuddly and loving. It is so healing to have our little guy cuddle up to you and say "I love you, Mommy."
Delainey is excited, but I think she is a bit tired of hearing the comments about how wonderful it is that we have her here to help when the twins are born. I am always very thankful for my daughter's help. But I am thankful for her for many other reasons as well. She is growing and maturing and changing so much. It is a blessing to watch her turn into a lovely young lady right in front of me.
I am at the point that people (complete strangers) are guessing that I am having twins. My uterus measured 49 centimeters Friday, and I have gained 58 pounds so far. People make some comment as to how soon the due date must be, and I tell them it is still three weeks away. Almost have of the people then say something about how I must be having twins. The majority of those people had twins, are a twin, or know someone who had twins and proceed to compare me their personal experience. That is fine though, it has been interesting hearing their stories.
Many people are surprised that I am still on my feet and even out and about at 37 weeks. I have also had others ask me when my C-section is scheduled. I thought that was interesting.
We have had some dear friends from church (including my mother) who met last Saturday for a couple of hours and put together ten freezer meals for us! Isn't that wonderful?!
We have another friend from church who spent a few hours with me on Thursday picking up and cleaning at my house. It is a little difficult for me to allow someone else to help (except my mom, thanks Mom!) But I was able to let her do some light pick up and cleaning. Thursday was the day I thought the babies were coming. She also brought a few things to brighten up our day! We are so grateful for our friends!
I had contractions regularly starting about 11am. 10 minutes apart, light contractions. But steady. They were stronger into the evening and even closer together. We put the players on alert - my parents, our doula, the doctor. Bags were piled into the van. I changed activity and nothing seemed to slow the contractions. Exhaustion set in, and I decided to go to bed. And that was it... nothing more really happened. So, we are back to waiting.
Scott asked me to write out some of our favorite, easy recipes so that he or Delainey could cook dinner for us when needed. I told him I think I will post some here on my blog. They can get to them easily that way.