Friday, April 04, 2008

Pregnancy update

I fell in the kitchen yesterday. I fell all the way to the floor. I stayed on the floor for quite awhile. Max was so sweet... "Okay, Mommy? Okay? You bump. You bumpa head." I didn't bump my head though. But I guess that is how he perceived it.

I managed to hit one knee first, then hit my backside. It was pretty jarring. The babies moved around quite a bit throughout the rest of the day just like normal. I went to the chiropractor and could tell my limp was not as bad when I left his office. The muscle strain is still there of course. I still can't go up and down stairs right now. But it is less painful today than yesterday.

I had a doctor appointment today. I measure 47 centimeters! Like I am 47 weeks pregnant! There is only about an inch, yes, one inch, between my belly and the steering wheel. I am not sure how much longer I will be able to drive. I have gained 54 lbs so far. Everything still seems to be going great, which is a huge blessing, and we are so thankful to God for his mercy and provision with these twins.

I'll have another full ultrasound next week. My doctor said that if I go into labor at any time now, it would be okay. I guess that is somewhat reassuring, but I am still prepared to go as long as needed to give these babies all the time they need.

1 comment:

  1. i am relieved to hear that both you and the babies are ok! how scary that must have been!
