Friday, April 11, 2008

Only Four Weeks to Go!

Today was another ultrasound and then another Dr. visit.

The sonographer said both boys have lots of hair. I am not sure what her definition of "lots of hair" is... Is it Kynzie-style lots of hair (meaning they will need haircuts right away), or just Max-style lots of hair (meaning they aren't bald). It will be fun to find out, and to see what color it is!

Dennis (formerly known as Baby A) is still head down (yay!) and is estimated to weigh 6 lbs 10 oz. Daniel (formerly known as Baby B) has flipped head down now (I knew I felt that flip!) and is estimated to weigh 5 lbs 13 oz. And since I am only 36 weeks, they could still add 1/2 lb per week each. Wow! That has been the goal all along - healthy, good-sized (for twins) babies!

Everything is going well, no signs that I will go into labor anytime soon. But there aren't any signs that I won't either. Both babies are "breathing" and swallowing and digesting the fluid which are all great signs that they will be fine should they be born anytime.

So, Scott guessed several weeks ago that I would have the babies on Saturday the 12th. I don't think that is going to happen... I will be glad to have them stay a little longer. I have another guess that it will be the 20th - something about the full moon there. Another guess is the 19th because that would work out best for that person to visit (tongue in cheek). We all know God will bring them when it is time. It is just so exciting! I am getting so anxious to meet them!

In April, we have family birthdays on the 16th, 19th and 22nd. Then in May we have family birthdays on the 8th, 10th, and 11th, as well as Mother's Day. But I really hope they come before Mother's Day!

1 comment:

  1. how exciting! it is getting so close!
    they sound so healthy and happy in have done such an awesome job growing those babies!
