Friday, January 18, 2008

A day in the schooling of Delainey

Okay, not really a day, but some tidbits about our home education.

Math - this week is Pi. I think I enjoy every other subject more than I enjoy math. And maybe that is why Delainey has chosen math to be her favorite subject. I don't know, but I am all for it. I encourage her to go for it in math. Last year, she went through 2.5 math books because she was able to go at her own pace. This year, it is a little slower going, but it is also a more difficult level and a bigger book. It is called advanced math but it is basically pre-algebra.

Science - we've been working through General Science. We're going to keep going with that and try to talk my dear dad into some hands-on lab experiments. A couple nights ago, we watched a DVD called Creatures That Defy Evolution - Volume I. We found it interesting to learn about the various wonders of God's creation. I think we will request volumes II & III from Netflix as well. We're also going to finish the set of videos titled Creation Seminar Series. It is proving to help Delainey think through things more for herself.

Reading - I can't seem to keep enough books around the house for her to read! She finished Mara, Daughter of the Nile way ahead of schedule, so I found some other readers on Egypt to keep her busy. I really am glad she enjoys reading; that is so important for learning to love to learn.

Language Arts - She has grammar, spelling, reading comprehension, building thinking skills, vocabulary, all the usual stuff.

History/Social Studies - We're going through some ancient history now - Egypt specifically. She also writes brief current events reports this year. We're going to start adding her own editorials of sorts.

One of Delainey's projects this week was to create a cave painting. She gathered paints and papers and brushes and set to work on her creation. When she was done, she showed it to me. It was a painting of a cave. I couldn't help but laugh. It was a good painting of a cave. In fact, she thought the assignment was so elementary that she painted two versions - one in the rain and one in good weather - just to provide a little more challenge. I suggested next time, however, she challenge herself by listening a little more carefully to the instructions.

She was supposed to paint a story that might be found on the prehistoric wall of a cave. It was funny, and we both had a good laugh.

Next week we're supposed to make a mummy. The directions say we are supposed to use a roasting chicken. But I am not sure I am ready to go that direction. We bought a mummy-making kit that requires no poultry. I think we'll stick to that.

We are going to study the history of passover and the plagues as well as the spiritual significance in relation to Jesus as the Messiah. I think we're going to do a little mini-study on sheep and shepherding (since Jesus was the sacrificial Lamb and also our Shepherd). It all kind of stems out of our study of Egypt.

Life skills is one of my favorite subjects. One aspect of the Life Skills subject is cooking and other home ec topics. Delainey can make a yummy lasagna because she is good at reading a recipe and finding her way around a kitchen. I am very proud of her accomplishments in this area (as well as many other areas). We also include child development, sewing, wood-working, and anything else she wants to learn that doesn't fit in a "regular" subject.

Well, there is more, but that's all for this update!

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