That title comes from a song I used to listen to as a kid. It seems like there is always singing going on here, and banging on somethng.
Max loves to play piano and guitar. Drums are good, too. And he loves a good sing-a-song (microphone). He will hold a little guitar we have, only about 5 or 6 inches, and sing into one of the dresser drawer knobs in his bedroom. It is so adorable. He found another sing-a-song in Kynzie's scooter. He stands at the handle bar and croons away into it. Mostly, we have no idea what he is singing, but he is very passionate about it. He does sing "halelujah" quite a bit, but that is about he only word we can understand so far.
He also makes a piano out of anything and everything. Somehow he saw a piano in the open dishwasher.
Kynzie loves to pretend. She likes to play scenes from books (David & Goliath) or videos (soldiers from Easter Promise), or make up her own games like Trashman & Turtle. Lately, she has finally taken an interest in playing with her dolls, kitchen set, and other ready made pretend items. It has been so much fun watching her care for them and care for her "house".
In this picture of Kynzie, she is pretending to be an angel singing "Glory to God in the highest", she said.
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