Our house is not as small as some houses. Our house isn't as big as other houses. And, I am not even sure it is the size of the house that matters so much. I think, for me, it is the amount of stuff in the house.
I am admittedly a clutter-aholic; a plain, ole pack rat. I cannot seem to part with my stuff. I have pried myself away from enough stuff to have two garage sales and countless little trips to thrift stores for donations. But there is just still too much stuff! And I am not even talking about the kids' things - toys, clothes, books, etc.
I think I have curbed the intake dramatically in the last couple years. I just need to oust some things. It is difficult for me. All of the things I sort through (time and time again) are good, useful items. I am sure I can give you a different "reason" as to why I need to keep each particular piece of priceless treasure if you were to sit with me as I sort through the endless boxes and buckets in the garage, basement and every closet throughout the house.
I have tried selling on eBay (successful but too time-consuming for me), giving away on FreeCycle (good motivation, but how many strangers do I really want to invite to my home), garage sales (talk about time-consuming), and anything else that I thought would be beneficial to ridding my home of clutter.
One thing that has helped tremendously is FlyLady. She has really branched out into many others areas to help us all become the best domestic divas we can be, but the simple message of de-cluttering is the one I needed. I definitely had C.H.A.O.S. (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome). My whole family suffered. Marla Cilley, FlyLady, explains that you cannot organize, let alone clean, clutter. It is like an albatross around your neck, and you take your family down with you.
I know this battle is between my ears more than anywhere else. This is an area of my life I must conquer for my family's sake. And, I believe the only way I am going to conquer it is through Jesus Christ. I know that may sound silly. But I have tried everything I can think of in my own strength. What Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 12 comes to mind... "there was a thorn given me in my side... to torment me. Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.'"
His grace is enough for me. I am sooo thankful for that truth over and over!
So, while I am feeling my best right now in pregnancy, I have been trying to dedicate time to this task. It is a formidible task, especially considering the other things that need to take time in my days, such as home education, training toddlers, regular housework, and concentrating on my health for my twins. I can't forget to add potty-training to this list. I am putting it off, but I think Max is ready. But His grace is sufficient for me!
Here are a couple of photos of Max in a baby doll bed. It was near the door to be ushered out of the house, and he decided it was just his size.
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