Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Annual Snow Ice Cream Event

Excitement and wonder filled our home once again today when Kynzie realized the snow falling outside. Her delight is contagious. It is amazing how your child's perspective can often change your own outlook. I may just end up enjoying snow before this winter is over!

Although Kynzie wanted to, we did not venture out to play today. But we did have snow ice cream again after dinner. Kynzie looked forward to this all day and didn't let me forget our "plan".

Max ate his whole bowl of snow ice cream, which is only significant since he doesn't eat regular ice cream. He thought the whole idea was pretty neat. He kept saying, "We're eating snow!" and "We have snow in our house!" He probably doesn't remember from last year like Kynzie does.
He wanted more, as did everyone else, and when I told him it was all gone he told Delainey to "get your shoes on." He was sending her out for more snow!


  1. Max can be quite the general can't he. I love his picture here. He is so excited

  2. He's like you in that way, honey; a little bit of the "Mr. Command" in him.
