The doctor did a test for RSV, and it came back positive. So they sent us home with a breathing machine and a script for albuterol. We have only done one breathing treatment thus far. (Doc told us we could do when and if needed.) I bought a stethoscope to be able to hear the breathing better. He really has had very little wheezing since we took him in. So I think the worst is over, thankfully. Daniel didn't seem to have the same trouble with breathing; he's just been miserable.
Dennis and Daniel are 'talking' quite a bit these days (when not sick), and Daniel is so close to taking his first steps. Dennis 'sings' along with us when we sing Jesus Loves Me to them at night. It is so cute. He 'sings' for a line or two, then cuddles his cloth and sucks his thumb. Daniel is cozied in on your shoulder for song and prayer time. He sucks his thumb too, the opposite thumb from Dennis, and holds his cloth as well.
Daniel does 'sing' along with some of the toys in his room, especially the ABC song. It is adorable. He seems to pick up on certain things pretty quickly, especially mechanical things. It is so much fun to watch how different they are. I love it! It is such a special blessing to have twins in our family.
Delainey put the babies in a laundry basket for the first two pics. Daniel climbed onto the lower shelf of the changing table in their bedroom and became quite frustrated when he couldn't sit up straight in there to look at that book.
Dennis eating. Daniel fell asleep in the "kiddie playland" play yard we have set up in the living room. Poor baby, didn't feel well at all.
Poor babies! We hope they are feeling better now. I love reading your updates on the boys. It gives me an idea of what to look forward to!