I put Dennis on the floor to change his diaper, and Misty mimicked the position next to me. Dennis loves, loves, loves the dog and thought it was awesome. Kynzie thought it was a great time to pet Misty, of course.
Kynzie began a new, simple chore chart and thrived immediately. She looked at the pictures and went right to work, getting dressed (she did pick out her own clothes as well), brushing her hair and teeth, and sweeping the floor among other things. She took it very seriously. She barely wanted to take the time to give me her normal smile-for-the-camera face in the second picture. A very proud mamma am I! Go Kynzie!

We didn't really have a pet squirrel, but it seemed as though we might. This little guy sort of imprinted on Scott and even rode around a bit on the top of Scott's shoe at one point. It was a little bizarre, really. We think he must have lost his mother. Delainey, Kynzie, and Scott peeled some whirly gig (?) seeds for the baby squirrel to eat and brought some water for him to drink. He left, roaming away even into neighbor's yards. Then, much later, found his way back to Scott (while Scott was working on the brakes). So strange. Eventually, after they had all pet him, Scott helped him back up into his tree, and he lived happily ever after. We hope.

One day while the kids were eating their snack in this manor, Daniel sized up the situation and decided he wanted in on the action at the table too. And all of the sudden his little head popped up through one of the holes! It was too cute! He started looking around for his share of the big kid snack. We had to give him something for his effort, so he scored some O's.

Max held the honorable position as assistant to the bell-ringer at Coop. One of the teachers let him ring the bell first hour to let everyone know when they only had 5 minutes left in class. He loved this job and did it quite well. He knew how to hold the bell without letting it clang, as he is demonstrating in this photo.

The kids in my class at coop think it is great fun to remove the seats from the infant seating table and stand in the 'holes' to eat their snack. It also prevents the babies from being able to share their snacks with them when they sit on the floor. So, here are Kynzie and Max and one of their good friends.
Here is Dennis at Coop having his snack the more traditional way.
Max held the honorable position as assistant to the bell-ringer at Coop. One of the teachers let him ring the bell first hour to let everyone know when they only had 5 minutes left in class. He loved this job and did it quite well. He knew how to hold the bell without letting it clang, as he is demonstrating in this photo.
Delainey spent some time holding Daniel for me during the fever portion of his illness recently. She must have been comfy cuddling 'cause she fell fast alseep along with Daniel. She looks as though she is awake in the second photo, but she really isn't. She didn't even know I took pictures of her until I showed her later. I thought it depicted a super sweet sister moment. Oh, and she is a beauty, isn't she?
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