Thursday, August 24, 2006

Gardening and Canning

I did my first batch of canned apples a couple of days ago! Actually, it was the first time I have canned anything on my own. Well, Kynzie helped wash the apples and "dry" them, and Delainey helped run the various stations at the stove from time to time. I only did water-bath canning. I really enjoyed it. Hopefully, next year we will have more of a garden and I will be able to can more.

I am going to learn how to do some Lasagna Gardening. My mom is going to give me a crash course. My mom is crazy over gardening; she said she loves to play in the dirt! She is also raising red wigglers this year to help get good humus (I think) for her garden. I don't think I am quite to that level yet, but maybe someday. (By the way, Lasagna gardening does not mean we will only grow things for making lasagna... it is a method of layering different organic materials in a way to grow your garden.)

I think my husband is a little bit of a closet gardener. He wasn't very interested when I mentioned it a year or two ago. But this year he has been the (almost) sole caretaker of our tomato plant (only one survived the heat and me). I do not have a 'green thumb'. But I am going to learn!

We are learning about Square Foot Gardening as well. My husband is a little excited about a garden next year, I think. I am too. Bug has even gotten in on the planning.

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