I had a great Mother's Day this year. I had two more children to mother for starters! How awesome! My husband and the kids made me breakfast in bed. They also gave me a wonderful gift - an ipod shuffle and beautiful cards (the home made ones are the best!). It was the first Sunday back at church since the birth of the twins. It was like we were celebrities. Well, actually not us, just the babies. All that was missing was the flash of a hundred cameras. It was so much fun!
I received a lovely rose corsage and the day brought special prayers for mothers. After church we spent some time talking with friends, and I was able to share my birth story with some who were interested. How fun! We finally left church and headed to my mom's house. But not so we could take her to lunch or something traditional like that...
My mom made lunch for me! It was a very yummy treat and greatly appreciated. My mom is an awesome cook. Her family get-together meals are the best. (My sister-in-law made my mom's brisket recipe and it was super delicious. I am a little jealous that she can cook so well!) My brother and his wife (the good cook II) came over with their kids and we sang happy birthday to Max.
He received some cool gifts this year. I think he got most of his favorite things - an airport set complete with airplane and helicopter, a construction site play set, small toy tool kit, "baseball game", addition to Thomas train set, motorcycles, clothes, as well as some other fun things.
There is a picture of Max and my twin nursing pillow. He said it was his turn to nurse the babies, so he got himself ready and asked me to hand him the babies! 
The picture of Max and Daniel depicts how his genuine desire to show love and tenderness for the babies is sometimes outweighed by his curiosity about their body parts.
Speaking of which, when he was helping Daddy change one of the babies recently, he noticed what was under the diaper and proclaimed "Just like me! Just like me!"
Max really does love the babies, and he does try to be gentle and soft with the babies. It is so sweet. But he just doesn't have any concept of spatial relationship or how much he weighs compared to the little boys. (By the way, I didn't try to take a photo of Max poking Daniel in the eye; it just happened that he decided to poke his eye as my slow camera finally shuttered.)
I also wanted to include a photo of my Grandma on Mother's Day. My brother was the good grandchild and went to visit our grandparents - so this photo is courtesy of him. The little girl with Grandma is his daughter, Aubrey. My daughter Kynzie shares the same birthday as my Grandma.
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