Friday, April 25, 2008

38 weeks and still going

Well, we are still here and our twins are still not here, or at least not OUT here. We didn't go to the hospital which turned out to be a good thing... It wasn't really time yet. I am 38 weeks now. I don't think I really thought I would make it this far!

We saw the doctor today... gained 6 pounds this week, very swollen feet, 51 cm uterus, babies' heartbeats sound good, dilated to 4. Yes, I gave in and had a check done. Dr. didn't care one way or the other, just asked me whether I wanted to know. Originally, I didn't think I wanted to know what kind of progress I was, or more accurately, was not making prior to "the real thing". But the curiosity in me won out. I want to know what my baseline is, so to speak.

Oh, and for those who care, 60% effaced, baby A's station is -2 and in good position (meaning not posterior!).

So that's about it. I am very thankful for all the prayer coverage during this pregnancy. I know it is a major part of what is sustaining us! Thank you all!

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