He willingly is in charge of bath time. He willingly takes over most evenings after dinner so I can have as much of a break as a momma of twin infants can have. He enjoys feeding each baby as they become old enough to eat solid foods. And I bet you're wondering about diapers. Well, I will tell you that he changed more diapers than I did in the first two weeks of the twins lives.
He has never shied away from a dirty diaper. Although, I did tease him because before we had any babies he said he would only change dirty diapers if he had latex gloves to protect his hands. The gloves never happened, and he has always changed diapers.
To borrow some lyrics from a song I don't even know... what a man, what a man, what a man, what a mighty good man (and mighty handsome, too, even holding Dumbo).
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