I weighed approximately 126 lbs before my latest pregnancy. I weighed 191 lbs the day before I gave birth to my sweet twins. The day they were born, I weighed myself after delivery - 161 lbs. That is awesome! Last Friday I had my 6 weeks (which was actually postponed to weeks), and I weighed in at 145 lbs, I think.
Now, my goal is to exercise and eat properly while still getting enough calories to continue exclusively nursing my twin boys at this time. Notice there is no weight loss goal in this statement. It happens slowly but surely for me. I just don't know how different it will be this time after twins. I gained the weight differently.
Oh, wait, I just thought of a weight loss goal - I want to be able to wear my wedding rings again. Yes, that would be nice. I really miss wearing them.
So I heard about this program Lose Your Mummy Tummy. Anybody heard of this? Better yet, anybody used it successfully? The 'Mummy' who told me about it couldn't say enough positive about it. I'm curious...
The problem has been that I haven't had an appetite, at least not for anything healthy. I crave sugar and lots of it. I want to eat ice cream, cake, cookies, candy, you name it. This is how I found out I can't eat chocolate because the twins don't do well after that.
But I think I am turning the corner. I think my appetite is coming back around with a little self-discipline and some prayer. I actually felt hungry this morning. I haven't felt hungry since I was pregnant.
And, we are getting back into the routine of going for walks. My sister-in-law is letting us borrow their double stroller so we can go on walks with all four little kiddos in a stroller.
They say twin-skin doesn't go away without, say, a tummy tuck. Since I am not even 2 months post-partum, I think I still hold on to naive hope.
What is 'twin-skin', you ask? Well, it kind of reminds one of a raisin, only maybe a little plumper. It can be viewed a couple of different ways. I like to see it this way: Battle scars of a battle fought well and something to be worn proudly. After all, I would do it all again, and looking at those two babies makes it all worth it.
Losing weight after twins - hm - well the weight goes away if you eat right and exercise ( and nursing twins helps it come off fast!) But the twin skin thing......um - well - put it this way, if you find a solution PLEASE let me know! Guess our poor bodies can only stretch so far!
ReplyDeleteI love your blog - if you'd be interested I'd really like if you would write an article for my site - with a link back here of course
You had quite an intensive birth plan - were you able to follow most of it?
Hi, Kim, thanks for stopping by my blog. I still have not taken the time to write out my birth story. But to answer your question about our birth plan - yes, for the most part, it was followed. It was a beautiful double birth and a beautiful story.
ReplyDeleteAs far as writing an article, I'd be interested... what did you have in mind?